James M. Walters, CPA

President and Founder
Jim specializes in small business accounting, auditing, and tax services. He has over 20 years of public accounting experience in a diverse group of industries and areas. Jim is a member of the Maryland Association of Certified Public Accountants (MACPA).  Jim holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Towson University.  He currently serves on the board for the St. Joan of Arc School in Aberdeen, Maryland.

Melissa A. Walters

Vice President
Melissa has over 15 years of experience in finance and accounting.  Her resume includes CFO experience in electro-mechanical manufacturing and Fortune 100 experience in corporate finance and management. Her expertise includes small business accounting, manufacturing, and business planning and forecasting.  Melissa holds a MBA from the University of Maryland, College Park and a Bachelor of Arts in Finance from Towson University.